Solar panels being installed on the roof of delhi metro station

Our Strategy


We support companies and technologies that enable both mitigation of and adaptation to climate change by rising consumers and producers.

LeapFrog’s Climate Strategy marks a natural extension of the firm’s 16-year journey as a pioneer of impact investing, backing companies that deliver essential services and products that enable lower-income consumers to build better lives.

LeapFrog believes that emerging consumers can swiftly transition beyond expensive and highly polluting energy, transport, and agricultural business models to new low-carbon and climate change resilient technologies – much as hundreds of millions of low-income customers have leapfrogged traditional telecommunications and banking models in recent years.

The new Climate Strategy will focus on companies providing green products and services that are already cost competitive in many emerging markets, and enjoy enabling regulatory tailwinds. This large and expanding investable universe includes PAYG rooftop solar, distributed energy systems, 2-wheeler electric vehicles and smart farming practices.

Work day life of Young Muslim Businesswoman meeting outside with colleague.

Investor Roadmap for Inclusive Green Growth

Dozens of green technologies are now lower cost than incumbent technologies across the emerging world, sparking a wave of new green investments that could potentially reach $330B per year over the next decade and spur green development.

The Investor Roadmap for Inclusive Green Growth report, released by LeapFrog Investments, CGAP and Temasek, analyses a range of sectors across emerging markets to determine their commercial viability, identifying four key areas for growth.

Motorbike traffice in a busy Phnom Penh interesection seen from high above..

Powering an Affordable EV Revolution in Emerging Asia

The mobility sector in the emerging markets of South and Southeast Asia is growing so rapidly that it could absorb up to $1.3 trillion in green capital by 2030.

The Powering an affordable EV revolution in emerging Asia report, released by investors LeapFrog Investments and Temasek, alongside electric mobility companies Mahindra Last Mile Mobility Limited and Battery Smart, showcases affordable entry points for electric mobility across the low-income markets of emerging Asia.