

Vietnam’s engine for MSME credit growth


Financial Services



57,400 0 +

MSME customers

17,300 0


30 0 %

Loan growth (YOY)

HDBank, is a top-tier Vietnamese commercial and retail bank, improving access to credit across the country. The company has established itself as a leader in sustainable banking in Vietnam, and offers a suite of innovative products via a growing agent network that covers 63 cities and provinces.

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) account for more than 98% of all businesses in Vietnam, nearly 70% of GDP, and 80% of employment, but low banking penetration rates mean many small businesses rely on informal loans.

Limited access to formal credit has a stark impact on the Vietnamese business sector. In 2020, 41% of Vietnamese businesses reported difficulty accessing credit. Meanwhile, nearly half of Vietnamese adults do not have access to bank credit, threating the future growth of the country.1

A flourishing “black credit” sector has evolved over time to fill this gap, including many unlicensed providers who charge high rates of interest and use unscrupulous debt collection methods.2 Estimates suggest the black credit sector in Vietnam is valued at up to 30% of the formal credit provided by commercial banks, equivalent to about $50 billion per year.3 Informal lenders often exploit social networks and popular messaging applications to market their products directly to consumers, evading scrutiny from regulators. Disproportionately, the black credit sector targets low income and financially illiterate people like farmers, ethnic minorities, factory workers and street vendors.4

Vietnamese business lending has also historically failed to support women entrepreneurs, who now account for 21% of business owners in the country.5 37% of women-owned MSMEs reported being able to access a bank loan in the past two years, compared to 47% of male business owners, representing a gender financing gap of $1.2 billion annually.6 Even when women entrepreneurs do qualify for a bank loan, they tend to receive proportionately less credit than men. This gender financing gap further exacerbates existing barriers for women entrepreneurs in Vietnam.

1 Vietnam Investment Review, Vietnam faces possible financial accessibility and awareness gap, 2021 | 2 ISEAS, Debunking the Informal Credit Myths: Is Credit Liberalization the Magic Solution to Loan Sharking?, 2019 | 3 Ibid | 4 Ibid | 5 IFC, Market study on women-owned enterprises in Vietnam, 2017 | 6 Ibid.

Alternative Sources of Capital 2022 Alternative Sources of Capital 2022
Source: PCI Survey 2022. Question - "Where bank loans are not accessible, which of the following does your firm recourse to as a source of capital? And average interest rate per annum?
Alternative Sources of Capital 2022 Alternative Sources of Capital 2022
Source: PCI Survey 2022. Question - "Where bank loans are not accessible, which of the following does your firm recourse to as a source of capital? And average interest rate per annum?

HDBank is a listed top-tier Vietnamese commercial and retail bank serving 13 million customers, especially low-income consumers and MSMEs.

It operates 355 branches and transaction offices, over 24,200 points of sale, and employs more than 17,300 staff across the country. MSME customers comprise 54% of HDBank’s total loan book, with 57,400 individual MSME customers.

Retail consumers are served by the group’s subsidiary, HD Saison, the third largest consumer finance company in Vietnam. HD Saison primarily targets those earning less than $180 a week, offering vehicle, cash, and consumer durable loans. HD Saison’s cash loans are frequently used by customers to accommodate economic and health shocks. These loan products provide an alternative to black credit, with flexible repayment options to help avoid the negative cycle of indebtedness.

Together, HDBank and HD Saison cover all 63 cities and provinces in Vietnam, with most new transaction points targeting customers in rural, remote and isolated areas who have limited access to modern banking and financial products. The bank’s strong digital focus is helping to reach these customers, providing access no matter where they live.

HDBank is exploring ways to offer further financial inclusion products, including health and life insurance policies, leveraging cross selling opportunities through its digital lending platforms. The bank is also pioneering green credit in Vietnam to support renewable energy projects, including financing an estimated $800m in climate finance projects by 2025, to reduce emissions by 54,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

HDBank's Distribution Network HDBank's Distribution Network
Source: Company Data, 2023.
HDBank's Distribution Network HDBank's Distribution Network
Source: Company Data, 2023.

LeapFrog is committed to support HDBank’s growth, with a focus on efforts to improve financial inclusion for Vietnam’s emerging consumers and MSMEs.

Funding from LeapFrog, along with other key investors including IFC and DEG, has strengthened the banks capital base and allowed it to expand its lending to more retail customers and MSMEs, including women-owned-or-led businesses. LeapFrog is working with HDBank to further tailor services to meet the unique needs of women entrepreneurs, including providing preferential interest rates and focusing marketing efforts on this group. In 2023, HDBank disbursed $1.4 billion in new loans to women-owned MSMEs.

Technological improvements are also a major focus. LeapFrog’s CX Launchpad conducted social listening and website and app analysis in its early work with the company to identify pain points and support digital development. In the past year, the number of digital transactions has surged by more than 88% to 62 million, while digital transactions now make up. Digital transactions now make up 94% of total retail banking transactions. LeapFrog is actively working with the company to develop a sustainable bancassurance strategy amid increased regulatory scrutiny and policy changes for this channel. This includes enhancing operational performance to affirm HDBank’s leading position in distributing life insurance products, as well as unlocking a non-life insurance partnership with HD Insurance. At present the bank offers life insurance to only 5% of their retail customers, indicating considerable room for growth.

The team is also helping HDBank to enhance its ESG practices by introducing IFC Performance Standards and implementing its own Environmental and Social (E&S) Management System, building off LeapFrog’s own best-in-class processes . This work has included helping the company to establish a new ESG committee and dedicated team to oversee ESG initiatives as well as implementing the Sustainable Development
Goals into its strategic goals. Once the E&S Management System is fully implemented, HDBank will be closer to international best practices in sustainable finance.

Page last updated September 2024.

Most consumers are open to buying financial products via digital, but far fewer make a purchase, especially in emerging markets. Most consumers are open to buying financial products via digital, but far fewer make a purchase, especially in emerging markets.
Source: McKinsey Asia-Pacific PFS Survey 2021
Most consumers are open to buying financial products via digital, but far fewer make a purchase, especially in emerging markets. Most consumers are open to buying financial products via digital, but far fewer make a purchase, especially in emerging markets.
Source: McKinsey Asia-Pacific PFS Survey 2021