

Empowering entrepreneurs through digital finance


Diversified Financial Services


Sub-Saharan Africa & Asia


$ 4 0 bn

Loans disbursed

22,000,000 0

Customers served

80 0 %

First-time banking customers

JUMO is a disruptive fintech business that is rapidly reshaping how ethical financial products reach consumers and SMEs in emerging markets.

JUMO is a market leading Banking as a Service platform that uses AI to power financial services in emerging markets.

JUMO offers savings and credit products to entrepreneurs, as well as financial services infrastructure to partners such as eMoney operators, mobile fintech platforms and banks.

In their seven years of operation, JUMO has enabled the disbursement of more than US$4 billion in loans and reached over 20 million customers and small businesses1. They are active in seven markets including Ghana, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Côte d’Ivoire and Pakistan.

The company’s mission is to build and operate inclusive digital banking marketplaces to advance financial inclusion for the 80 per cent of the world’s population who are excluded or underserved by traditional financial services.

Advancing inclusive access to and usage of affordable formal financial services is vital to promoting vital financial health, economic empowerment, financial stability and sustainable growth. Yet emerging markets have negligible penetration of formal financial services: savings is chronically underdeveloped and the majority of the world’s 2 billion unbanked adults are found in low- and middle-income emerging markets.

100% of JUMO’s customers are estimated to be low-income, earning less than $11.20 per day PPP, and approximately 80% have never interacted with formal financial offerings before using the platform.

1 Company data, sourced September 2022

As an investor partner, LeapFrog’s financial services expertise is being used for product design and multi-country rollouts, to turbocharge JUMO’s growth and spur financial inclusion across Africa.

Page last updated June 2022.